Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Documenting the Journey

Joshua Love, Founder of SuRab Athletics has assembled a documentary team that is helping me promote "Phil's Epic Ride Across America" to raise awareness and donations for the Wounded Warrior Project. 

Jacob Sussman and Zander Cowan of Pelham Island Pictures and Photographer Eric Windover of Windover Photos spent 8 hours with me last Saturday shooting raw footage for the mini documentary.  They are a hard working group with lots of passion and SuMotivation for there profession.  I can't wait to see the final product. 

Check back soon for a 30 Second promo clip


Jacob begins work on project to promote Surab Athletics and the Wounded Warrior Project.

Jacob and Zander set up shots

Joshua Love, Founder of SuRab Athletics talks to Phil, Jacob, and Zander

Jacob and Phil discuss some shots before we start filming on the roads.

Video Van captures Phil Riding into Westboro

Phil discusses his training regiment to prepare for his Epic Ride Across America.

Interview, behind the scenes 

Jacob questions Phil during interview, explores his past involvement in the military, and how it has influenced him in supporting the Wounded Warriors Project.

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